Hello Siliguri, CYBER EXPO is making 6 different housewife jobs available now in Siliguri, Exclusive offer only for housewives from Siliguri. Housewives play a very important role in running the household day in and day out but now housewives can also start earning good money to support their family by picking one of the housewife jobs available now in Siliguri as a part time home based job.
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EXCLUSIVE online/offline housewife jobs available now in Siliguri by CYBER EXPO.
We’ll be enlisting 6 different home based jobs exclusively for home makers, 3 jobs are categorized under home based online jobs and other 3 will be categorized under offline home based jobs. To know more in detail about each of the jobs Cyber Expo is offering through this post please read on…
List of home based online jobs:
1.News reading jobs Housewife Jobs available now in Siliguri:
If you’re a housewife and you have a passion for reading, you can perform really well doing this news reading jobs. You don’t really need to be an avid reader; all you’ll require is fluency of the language you’re reading out the news in and clarity of speech.
It is an online job and so you’ll require having a computer with internet set up at home with a sound system in place (headphones with Mic) this is easily one of the most unique yet high paying work for Housewife Jobs available now in Siliguri at the moment.
2.Offline writing jobs:
Writing jobs are skilled jobs, not everyone can write impressively, if you have a penchant and knack for writing then you should definitely not let this offline writing jobs pass by. You can make handsome money whilst writing online while being at home during your spare time. You must be wondering what this offline writing jobs doing under the online jobs category, well; although it is an offline writing job you’ll require to have a computer and internet set up at home to upload the completed offline writing jobs.
An impressive writing skill and basic knowledge of how to use Ms-Word and Ms-Excel will suffice and you can immediately enroll with Cyber Expo and start your offline writing jobs project to make good money at home.
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3.Facebook marketing jobs:
Facebook is one of the internet giants of social media and it’s not just about social networking with friends and colleagues but it also provides strings of money making opportunity through their platform. One such money making opportunity for Housewife Jobs available now in Siliguri that Cyber Expo can help you avail for free is facebook marketing jobs.
Facebook marketing jobs is more or less an Affiliate business where you promote a particular company’s product and merchandise and help them make the sale. If you succeed in the same you’ll earn impressive commissions each time someone clicks on your affiliate link on facebook and more will you earn if someone successfully places an order of a certain product through your affiliate link. Don’t worry about you being banned for spamming as Cyber Expo doesn’t encourage any unethical practice on their platform and they have all that is needed to make sure your work will carry out smoothly and 100% legitimately. One of the representatives will help and guide you through all that you would need to kick start facebook marketing jobs so that you can start earning money at home, most of the time passively.
You’ll require to have a computer setup with internet connection, basic knowledge of how to operate it and a little bit of marketing skill can give you that added advantage where you can make more money quickly.
List of Home Based Jobs (offline-without Internet and computer) for Siliguri Housewife
Now let us quickly jump on to offline jobs that we have to offer under Housewife Jobs available now in Siliguri. You won’t be needing computer or internet or anything remotely related to technology to take up these offline jobs.
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1.Agarbatti Making:
Agarbatti (Incense sticks) making has a huge market especially here in India, as most of the households regularly stock up their favorite fragrance based agarbatti irrespective of what religion they follow or what faith they believe in, most households regularly light up agarbatti sticks particularly during the evening time.
You must have heard about this business already but the possibilities are you never took keen interest in knowing what exactly it is. Now is your chance to indulge and register with Cyber expo to start making agarbatti at home and depending on how quick and efficient you’re in making number of agarbatti per day you can earn good money sitting at home. You’ll be provided with every aspect of training. Agarbatti making is few of the popular unskilled offline home based jobs that we’re offering for Housewife Jobs available now in Siliguri.
2.Bindi Making:
Bindi is said to be every woman’s simple yet classy jewellery at least here in India. All your life you must have made sure to sport one new bindi every single day first thing in the morning post bathing. Ever wondered what goes into making these beautiful tiny little bindis? Well, you can now stop wondering and actually be a part of the Bindi making business while being at home doing part time job during your spare time.
Cyber Expo will help you get the best bindi making jobs through their connections and will also provide you with comprehensive training so that that you can start Bindi making at home and make good money without having to leave your abode. Bindi making is one of the newly included Housewife Jobs available now in Siliguri.
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3.Papad making Housewife Jobs available now in Siliguri:
We all love fresh homemade papads while having our main meals, Don’t we? Our Indian cuisine would be so incomplete without it. You must’ve heard about women who make papads at home on a regular basis but ever wondered how actually it is made? Although you must have been inspired to get involved in the business but never had a proper source to get started? You need not worry any more; Cyber Expo will help you get through all these initial hurdles just like that.
Upon registering with Cyber Expo you’ll be provided with thorough training and all the raw material and equipment needed to start making papad at home. Make no mistake in underestimating it’s money making potential, some women are running their entire household only through their home based papad making business and that too since many years nonstop.
So, there it is, a complete list of 6 home based Housewife Jobs available now in Siliguri segregated in 2 sections, Online and Offline. Now it’s up to you to decide which one to pick from and start making good profit on a regular basis. But hey, don’t take too long in deciding because we can’t guarantee the spot for a long time. Grab on the opportunity before your neighbor does J If you’ve anything to share with us in context with the above list of Housewife Jobs available now in Siliguri and otherwise too then please leave a comment below and we’ll see you soon.
To Your Success.
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