Get 5 legitimate Online Jobs for College Students in Jaipur Rajasthan. Students can apply and start work from home jobs as a part time income opportunity.
Jaipur is capital and largest city of Rajasthan. The historical value of Jaipur remembers us Hawa Mahal and the Principal Street. More than 3.073 million People lived in Jaipur and there is the big demand of getting Genuine online for college students.
5 Genuine Online Jobs for College Students in Jaipur Join Today:
So in this article, we will let Jaipur college students know 5 genuine part time jobs in Jaipur on the computer. Let get started 🙂
1. Students Ad Posting Jobs:
Students Ad Posting Jobs is a part time job in Jaipur for 12th pass. It’s simple classified listing jobs where you will be provided few ad matters and classified sites list and a report sheet.
Your work will be just to post those ads into classified sites one by one to promote business online. The average payment for doing online ad posting jobs Rs-5.00-Rs-10.00 per successful posting.
Interested? Why not sign up in CYBER EXPO, The best thing about CYBER EXPO’s ad posting jobs is it has daily payout and work with free ad posting software. It’s an ideal Genuine Online Jobs for College Students in Jaipur.
2. Copy Paste home based jobs Jaipur:
Copy paste work is the best part time job in Jaipur for the b-tech student. Here you will be paid for doing a simple copy and paste work. The advantages of copy paste jobs are you can do it even in offline.
You can sign up for any genuine copy-paste jobs from here. Remember it’s a low paying online job that helps you to manage your pocket money only.
3. Part time data entry jobs in Jaipur: (Online)
Another biggest jobs opportunity for Jaipur college students is to get hired for data entry jobs. There is huge vacancy into Jaipur for data entry jobs. You can follow jobs listing page from Jaipur and find such typing jobs and work in part time to support your study.
Also, you can work as a freelancer and get hire for hourly. You can sign up in upwork and to get online projects. Make sure you have PayPal account to get paid.
Beware: some of the online data entry jobs in Jaipur may be a scam. So while you sign up for any projects be sure it’s free registration.
4. Vacancies in Jaipur computer operator:
If you are college students and studying into your campus then there is awesome part time earning part time job in Jaipur for data entry. You can find local jobs listing for back office entry jobs and work in day or night shift.
You can earn rs-4000.00-6,000.00 by becoming a part-time typist. Also, this type of work come with exam leave so it’s would not affect your studies.
5. Offline data entry jobs in Jaipur:
When you are in college you have lots of friends right? So why not take bulk offline data entry projects of 250-1000 page and type in a group. Each page paid you 100.00-150.00 INR and its take only 1 hour to complete.
Few basic tricks that you need to follow before you like –
Beware of the scam. Always sign up for the trust company in Jaipur. Before you take any projects asked few of existing members about their service and payment.
Double check to proofread your work before final submission.
Remove double space using Ctrl+F function in notepad. Almost 65% offline data entry jobs get cancel for double space mistakes.
7. Gota Patti works Jaipur:
Girls who are studying in college in Jaipur can start Gota Patti work in their home. It’s a one of oldest Traditional work of Jaipur – Rajasthan.
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